I Build Websites!
When I was little, I took apart every electronic I could find so I could fix it or just see what was inside. My curiosity has served me well as a developer, because I love to make stuff work.
I love the internet! I love that it has made our ability to communicate immediate and sometimes profound. For the first time ever, we have so much information at our fingertips. It’s revolutionary. I feel fortunate that I can contribute whether building a website or conversing via social media.
I have skills in WordPress (and the stuff that goes with it, PHP and SQL), Adobe Creative Suite 2 thru 6, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML and CSS. I have been working with implementing HTML5 and CSS3, and more recently, LESS and Bootstrap. I have a computer crush on LESS. There are new technologies appearing everyday, and I want to get to know them.
I love finding solutions. I love being tenacious. If I can help you, please, let me know!