Featured Sites

PCM Industrial

Another site I have done with Rachel and Karl at UB Advertising. I adore working with them. Karl is excellent in vision and Rachel outstanding at keeping the projects moving forward. Could not ask for better partners. This sites challenge was the overlays of the backgrounds and logos. It turned out great.

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Dream Life Team

Working with Rebecca could not have been more interesting. She has an eye for detail and a mind for content. Wow. I learned so much about giving information to potential clients in building this site. She found me through when I applied to her linkedin.com request for a professional. We hit it off immediately.  She is…

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Point Publication

Another site with super-designer Holly Cornwell. This easy and informative one pager was built SUPER FAST with Beaver Builder. Amazing how fast it went. I am very happy with it and they are, too! Go to PointPublication.com

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Senior Comfort Guide

Worked with Lisa Griffis and Yana Sharp on this one, and it was very complex. Also learned to use WP Geodirectory, a really nice plugin for these paid directory  listings. It’s pretty much completely custom – both in theme and scope of configuration of the directory. Inspiring, too, because it was so complex in setup, but beautiful…

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The site I built for VMCAD is finally up and in the wild! I thought the design was pretty spectacular. I used Beaver Builder for the back end with PODS. Not sure I would go that route again, love PODS, but Beaver isn’t as flexible as I would like. Still, it’s a great product for…

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Canadian Stamps

Another site working with designer extraordinaire, Holly Cornwell. And my first time to work with project manager, Tracey Carey. A very enjoyable experience! This one involved a custom slider via custom post type, and commerce integration with Ninja Forms.

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One of my favorite things became one of my clients. I so thoroughly enjoyed working with Leslie on her site. Simple, elegant and very much an extension of who she is.

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This site was finished months ago, but due to an illness had to take a back seat. It’s done now and it looks great! Kudos Tegam to getting it off the ground! This was a modified Cherry theme and WooCommerce site. I built my first plugin that used ajax and geolocation to determine the users locale…

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A WooCommerce site built to showcase and sell via retail, wholesale and affiliates. Built literally overnight, we implemented some complex navigation for different sales channels. This site built in conjunction with the Gantzer Group.

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A site made for a great organization that is a news reporter on the cost of energy, both renewable and not. They are focused on the facts rather than the speculation. And finding that renewable wins. This site was done in conjunction with the Gantzer Group.  

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Texas Appeals

A Chris Morris design, we used PODS to create custom post types and utilize a really great cross relationship fields to reference profiles, publications and significant cases. Now all attorneys have a dynamic association to their cases and publications. Great photos from Micheal Carter and the lovely landscapes were creative commons with acknowledgement. Here and Here Besides having a…

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Cold Harbor

A site designed by Lisa Griffis. We used custom post types and taxonomies to manage the projects, ordering them with image sizes and date. We had great fun making this and I think the company is pleased with the site.

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Boys And Girls Club of Greater Dallas

This was a really exciting project. Not only did I get to play with FORMS AND MORE FORMS in Gravity Forms, but I also installed Event Espresso, which has a million moving parts. We got it up and running and they registered many for one event and used the forms to accept payment/donations for auction…

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Athens Foods

Partnered with Jodie McLoed at Benghiat Marketing and Gantzer Group. Custom post type featuring recipes, with recipe schema built in to the output. We created many templates for both B2C and B2B marketing. Recipe heavy sites are complex and information heavy, it takes a lot of planning to end up with something as clean as this.…

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